
[:cs]Výroční zpráva 2019[:en]Annual report 2019[:]


Mezinárodní den dobrovolníků 5. prosince je ideální okamžik poděkovat a ohlédnout se za rokem 2019. Můžeme říci, že se nám podařilo z nvias.org vybudovat profesionální neziskovou organizaci, postavenou na kvalitních ekonomických základech. I přes obrovskou finanční pomoc partnerů našich projektů patří dobrovolníkům obrovské díky. Bez Vás bychom za 3 roky fungování nebyli tak úspěšní.

Děkujeme všem ambasadorům, kteří nás podporují, šíří jméno nvias.org a naše myšlenky a vize. Děkujeme všem tvůrcům nových vzdělávacích programů, mezi které v roce 2019 patřily programy kolem umělé inteligence a klimatických změn. Děkujeme všem co nás podporují na sociálních médií.

Děkujeme všem, kteří s námi tvoří jméno nvias.org a mění s námi další generace z konzumentů na tvůrce

Přes 2.500 inspirovaných

Největší podíl na počtu inspirovaných budoucích tvůrců připadá na projektové dny a kempy Naše firmy. Jde o velmi intenzivní a inspirující zážitek, který rozvíjí všechny důležité kompetence pro budoucnost. V roce 2019 jsme také vytvořili velmi kvalitní základy pro programy zaměřený na umělou inteligence, kde proběhlo převážně prototypování projektových dnů Objevte potenciál umělé inteligence a rozvoj volnočasových kroužků Program pro AI tvůrce.

Naše firm se poprvé podívali i za hranice. Konkrétně jsme společně s IT kraj realizovali projektové dny v Žilině.

Firmám záleží na vzdělání

Společenská odpovědnost firem je pro nvias.org klíčová pro zajištění financování našich projektů pro školy i organizování workshopů a soutěží.

Téměř polovina zdrojů pramení z firemního sektoru. Této podpory si nesmírně Vážíme. Firmy tak do značné míry přebírají úlohu státu a aktivně se zapojují do vzdělávacího procesu.

Největší část financí v roce 2019 byla zajištěna přímo od zřizovatelů škol zejména ve formě financování realizace projektových dnů.

Třetí pilíř zdrojů jsou pro nás finance od rodičů platících za volnočasové kroužky a kempy. Velmi si vážíme všech, kteří se rozhodli investovat do budoucnosti vlastních dětí a vybrali si pro to naše aktivity.

(only in Czech) Annual report 2019

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.nvias.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Vyrocni_zprava_2019.pdf”]


(only in Czech) Annual report 2019

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.nvias.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Vyrocni_zprava_2019.pdf”]


Výroční zpráva 2019

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.nvias.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Vyrocni_zprava_2019.pdf”]


International Volunteer Day on December 5 is the perfect time to thank and look back on 2019. We can say that we managed to build a professional non-profit organization based on quality economic foundations from nvias.org. Despite the huge financial help of our project partners, huge thanks to the volunteers. Without you, we would not have been so successful in 3 years of operation.

We thank all the ambassadors who support us, spread the name nvias.org and our thoughts and visions. We thank all the creators of the new educational programs, which in 2019 included programs around artificial intelligence and climate change. Thank you to everyone who supports us on social media.

Thanks to everyone who forms the name nvias.org with us and changes the next generation from consumers to creators with us.

Over 2,500 inspired

The largest share in the number of inspired future creators falls on project days and camps of Naše firmy. It is a very intense and inspiring experience that develops all the important competencies for the future. In 2019, we also created a high-quality foundation for programs focused on artificial intelligence, where the prototyping of the project days Discovered the potential of artificial intelligence and the development of after-shool class Program for AI creators took place.

Companies care about education

Corporate social responsibility is key for nvias.org to ensure the financing of our projects for schools as well as the organization of workshops and competitions.

Almost half of the resources come from the corporate sector. We greatly appreciate this support. Companies thus largely take over the role of the state and are actively involved in the educational process.

The largest part of funding in 2019 was provided directly from school founders, especially in the form of financing the implementation of project days.

The third pillar of resources for us is funding from parents paying for leisure time and camps. We really appreciate everyone who decided to invest in the future of their own children and chose our activities for that.

(only in Czech) Annual report 2019

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.nvias.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Vyrocni_zprava_2019.pdf”]


(only in Czech) Annual report 2019

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.nvias.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Vyrocni_zprava_2019.pdf”]


Výroční zpráva 2019

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.nvias.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Vyrocni_zprava_2019.pdf”]


International Volunteer Day on December 5 is the perfect time to thank and look back on 2019. We can say that we managed to build a professional non-profit organization based on quality economic foundations from nvias.org. Despite the huge financial help of our project partners, huge thanks to the volunteers. Without you, we would not have been so successful in 3 years of operation.

We thank all the ambassadors who support us, spread the name nvias.org and our thoughts and visions. We thank all the creators of the new educational programs, which in 2019 included programs around artificial intelligence and climate change. Thank you to everyone who supports us on social media.

Thanks to everyone who forms the name nvias.org with us and changes the next generation from consumers to creators with us.

Over 2,500 inspired

The largest share in the number of inspired future creators falls on project days and camps of Naše firmy. It is a very intense and inspiring experience that develops all the important competencies for the future. In 2019, we also created a high-quality foundation for programs focused on artificial intelligence, where the prototyping of the project days Discovered the potential of artificial intelligence and the development of after-shool class Program for AI creators took place.

Companies care about education

Corporate social responsibility is key for nvias.org to ensure the financing of our projects for schools as well as the organization of workshops and competitions.

Almost half of the resources come from the corporate sector. We greatly appreciate this support. Companies thus largely take over the role of the state and are actively involved in the educational process.

The largest part of funding in 2019 was provided directly from school founders, especially in the form of financing the implementation of project days.

The third pillar of resources for us is funding from parents paying for leisure time and camps. We really appreciate everyone who decided to invest in the future of their own children and chose our activities for that.

(only in Czech) Annual report 2019

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.nvias.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Vyrocni_zprava_2019.pdf”]


Výroční zpráva 2019

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.nvias.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Vyrocni_zprava_2019.pdf”]


International Volunteer Day on December 5 is the perfect time to thank and look back on 2019. We can say that we managed to build a professional non-profit organization based on quality economic foundations from nvias.org. Despite the huge financial help of our project partners, huge thanks to the volunteers. Without you, we would not have been so successful in 3 years of operation.

We thank all the ambassadors who support us, spread the name nvias.org and our thoughts and visions. We thank all the creators of the new educational programs, which in 2019 included programs around artificial intelligence and climate change. Thank you to everyone who supports us on social media.

Thanks to everyone who forms the name nvias.org with us and changes the next generation from consumers to creators with us.

Over 2,500 inspired

The largest share in the number of inspired future creators falls on project days and camps of Naše firmy. It is a very intense and inspiring experience that develops all the important competencies for the future. In 2019, we also created a high-quality foundation for programs focused on artificial intelligence, where the prototyping of the project days Discovered the potential of artificial intelligence and the development of after-shool class Program for AI creators took place.

Companies care about education

Corporate social responsibility is key for nvias.org to ensure the financing of our projects for schools as well as the organization of workshops and competitions.

Almost half of the resources come from the corporate sector. We greatly appreciate this support. Companies thus largely take over the role of the state and are actively involved in the educational process.

The largest part of funding in 2019 was provided directly from school founders, especially in the form of financing the implementation of project days.

The third pillar of resources for us is funding from parents paying for leisure time and camps. We really appreciate everyone who decided to invest in the future of their own children and chose our activities for that.

(only in Czech) Annual report 2019

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.nvias.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Vyrocni_zprava_2019.pdf”]


(only in Czech) Annual report 2019

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.nvias.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Vyrocni_zprava_2019.pdf”]


Výroční zpráva 2019

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.nvias.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Vyrocni_zprava_2019.pdf”]


International Volunteer Day on December 5 is the perfect time to thank and look back on 2019. We can say that we managed to build a professional non-profit organization based on quality economic foundations from nvias.org. Despite the huge financial help of our project partners, huge thanks to the volunteers. Without you, we would not have been so successful in 3 years of operation.

We thank all the ambassadors who support us, spread the name nvias.org and our thoughts and visions. We thank all the creators of the new educational programs, which in 2019 included programs around artificial intelligence and climate change. Thank you to everyone who supports us on social media.

Thanks to everyone who forms the name nvias.org with us and changes the next generation from consumers to creators with us.

Over 2,500 inspired

The largest share in the number of inspired future creators falls on project days and camps of Naše firmy. It is a very intense and inspiring experience that develops all the important competencies for the future. In 2019, we also created a high-quality foundation for programs focused on artificial intelligence, where the prototyping of the project days Discovered the potential of artificial intelligence and the development of after-shool class Program for AI creators took place.

Companies care about education

Corporate social responsibility is key for nvias.org to ensure the financing of our projects for schools as well as the organization of workshops and competitions.

Almost half of the resources come from the corporate sector. We greatly appreciate this support. Companies thus largely take over the role of the state and are actively involved in the educational process.

The largest part of funding in 2019 was provided directly from school founders, especially in the form of financing the implementation of project days.

The third pillar of resources for us is funding from parents paying for leisure time and camps. We really appreciate everyone who decided to invest in the future of their own children and chose our activities for that.

(only in Czech) Annual report 2019

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.nvias.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Vyrocni_zprava_2019.pdf”]
