"Our Companies" with Doosan

In cooperation with Doosan Škoda Power, we have modified “Our Companies” project days not only to educate pupils in the field of energy and engineering , but also to further motivate them to study these fields.

Our standard robots will be replaced by a wind turbine, which pupils will assemble.  They will also be completing tasks related to the production of electricity or the efficiency of the turbine. The top teams from nine schools will then compete in a small tournament and we will find the best fictitious company in the energy sector. See the article for more details of the programme and the contribution to the pupils’s education.

Project day course

1. Introduction of Doosan and Energy mix

During the project day, a guest from Doosan always introduces the role of the company in the energy market, introduces project planning and gives an insight into the company’s job positions along with the energy mix of the Czech Republic. Pupils are also introduced to the fact that Doosan is looking for a wide range of professionals from lawyers, economists, businessmen to engineers and developers, where both basic and professional technical education play an important role for a functioning  in their company.

2. Starting a company in the energy sector – focusing on wind power plants

Pupils are faced with the task of setting up their own company in the energy sector. Their main product is wind turbines, which will be provided by Nvias as part of the game.

3. Assembling the turbine

The next important step is assemble this turbine correctly and choose whether to work with a turbine containing 2 , 3 or 4 blades.

4. Targeting the customer segment (working with value propoposition)

Next, participants will meet the Design Thinking method, which is based on thinking about the target customer. The five steps will help students to identify their customer, figure out their problems and then come up with a product that will make the customer’s job easier. Students will discover all of this by completing the Value Proposition Canvas, which is an effective template for identifying customer needs and coming up with a product tailored to the customer. The Value Proposition Canvas was also completed by Doosan Skoda Power for a steam turbine for a waste incinerator.

5. Certification measurement – performance calculation

Once the turbine is assembled, the head of the development and production department is tasked with recording data on the voltage produced by the turbines to determine their performance.

6. Calculation of the price of individual turbine variants

The head of development and production must  work with the head of sales to calculate the price of the turbine (there are always worksheets to guide students through these steps).


7. Technical drawing analysis – material calculation for ordering

The supply manager has the important task of buying the material to make the blades for the turbine. He works with a real drawing of one such blade, where he has to find out basic information about this product in the beginning and then in a follow-up task he has to choose the right material, its dimensions and then how much material will be needed. For these tasks as well as the tasks mentioned above, companies receive a certification, which brings extra money to their fictional company.

8. The final presentation of the company

The whole project day eventually leads to the final presentations, where using the Elevator Pitch method, the pupils have to present their entire company, their business plan and business model in two minutes in order to attract potential investors to their company.

Doosan Škoda Power

Doosan Škoda Power, as part of the Doosan Group, plays a key role in the energy sector. It specialises in the development and production of high-capacity steam turbines, generators and other equipment for power plants. Doosan Škoda Power is known for its innovative approaches and cutting-edge technology, which enables it to compete in the global market. Its research and development centres in the Czech Republic and South Korea guarantee continuous improvement and innovation in the power sector.

Doosan Škoda Power

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